Pixar has captivated us with creative stories brimming with humour and emotion since 1995. That year, movie history was made when Disney and Pixar released Toy Story, the first-ever computer-animated feature film. We met Sheriff Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the gang who've made us laugh, sob and continue to believe in friendship for 25 years.
Toy Story will never lose its place in our hearts, so for the anniversary, we're stepping back into the world of Andy's toys with our favourite characters, quotes and scenes.
1. Woody and Andy
In the first minutes, from the drawings of Woody on the wall right by Andy’s bed, we knew that cowboy was truly special to Andy and that they'd both become special to us.
2. Andy’s Bedroom
Andy’s magical bedroom walls of painted blue skies and clouds made kids everywhere want bedroom makeovers. The colour and warmth, familiar toys, books, board games, and the imaginative play transported us instantly back to childhood when anything was possible.

3. "You’ve Got A Friend In Me"
Written and performed by Randy Newman, this short song with lyrics, “But none of them will ever love you the way I do” and “Our friendship will never die” perfectly embodies the movie and what it means to be a true friend.
4. That hug
When Andy hugs Woody at the bottom of the stairs it is tear-inducing stuff. The love Andy shows for his favourite toy and best pal gets us every time–and we understand exactly what Woody is afraid of losing.

5. "Pull my string! The birthday party’s today?"
Woody comes to life and we enter the world of wonder we dreamed of as a kid where toys can speak, move, tell jokes and have adventures.
6. "Okay, everybody, coast is clear"
Out of sight and out of earshot from Andy, the rest of the toys spring to life and we discover their personalities. We're still smiling from the nostalgia and comedy of this scene.
7. Mr. Potato Head
Mr. Potato Head is cheeky, a straight(cut)-talker, and we love him! Who knew that detachable body parts could provide so many laughs?

8. Funny puns
Here are a few we love:
Woody: "Hey Etch, Draw!"
Bo Peep: "Remember, I’m just a couple of blocks away."
Buzz: "My ship! Blast! This will take weeks to repair."
Mr. Potato Head: "Son of a building block. It’s Woody."
Woody: "Buzz will you get up here and give me a hand" (arm plops).
Hamm: (To Mr. Potato Head) "Way to go Idaho!"
9. Rex
“I’m going for fearsome here, but I just don’t feel it. I think I’m just coming off as annoying”.
The insecure, neurotic, Tyrannosaurus rex who dislikes confrontations and fears rejection is all of us. Thanks to some coaching from Buzz, Rex’s first powerful roar manages to blow Mr. Potato Head’s face off and we're sure if Andy saw it, he'd be blown away with pride.

10. "We're next month's garage sale fodder for sure".
As guests arrive carrying birthday presents, the anxious toys believe they're definitely being replaced. Woody reassures them with some wisdom, “It doesn’t matter how much we’re played with. What matters is that we’re here for Andy when he needs us”. It's a telling moment as later in the film, Woody’s forgets his own advice.
11. "Come in Mother Bird"
It gets tense watching the brave, dedicated soldiers undertake recon plan Charlie. They risk being seen and put themselves in harm’s way; for one unlucky soldier, that harm comes by way of Andy’s mum’s foot. Luckily, Sarge never leaves a man behind.
12. Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, not a toy
"I’ve crash-landed on a strange planet… And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere."
Buzz's first impressions of Andy's room and our introduction to the non-self-aware action figure is hilarious. The toys are amazed by Buzz's laser beam, buttons, gadgets and quality sound system. However, Buzz's unwavering belief that he's a space ranger on a secret mission for Star Command annoys Woody. It's the rocky start to a gloriously mismatched and enduring team-up.
13. "To infinity and beyond!"
To prove that he IS a flying space ranger, Buzz takes his impressive wingspan and leaps into the air. From then, “To infinity and beyond!”, became one of the most quoted movie lines ever and an important reminder to dream big. Through sheer luck, Buzz does land safely back on the bed. The toys are won over, Woody, not so much; “That wasn’t flying. That was falling with style”.

14. Woody loses his spot
Woody’s face peering out of the toy box to see Andy asleep and curled up with Buzz on the bed is unbearable.
15. Things don't go to plan
When Andy can only take one toy to Pizza Planet, Woody’s envy escalates. It's not his finest moment, but we can’t help but feel a little sorry for him when his plan to hide Buzz behind the desk goes horribly wrong.
16. "You…are…a…toy!"
Woody's despair at being lost, separated from Andy, and stuck with Buzz makes him panic. He blames Buzz for taking away everything important to him. Buzz's response is, well, perfect Buzz, “You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.”
17. "Oooooh"
When Buzz mistakes a crane game as a spaceship and climbs in, we get to meet the adorable little green aliens waiting to be chosen by their master, the Claw. Our joy is brief because Buzz and Woody are chosen by Sid.

18. Sid’s Room of Horrors
Having already watched Andy's neighbour Sid torturing toys for fun, it's not until Sid steals his sister Hannah’s doll for an 'operation' that Woody and Buzz become fully aware of the danger they face. As survivors of Sid's operations appear, we're scared too!

19. Not a flying toy
Hiding from Sid's dog Scud, Buzz sees the Al’s Toy Barn ad on television and learns a crushing truth. He handles this identity crisis as badly as any of us. However, because of Buzz's sadness, we do get Mrs Nesbitt which is a definite highlight. Sorry Buzz.

20. Slinky loses faith
Bo Peep and Slinky have stood by Woody. When even loyal Slinky no longer believes in Woody, our spirits lower faster than the blind Slinky closes on his friend leaving Woody and Buzz without help.
21. Phew, not cannibals
Sid’s mutant toys fix Buzz’s arm rather than eat him and Woody and Buzz realise they were wrong about them. It's also the first time Woody refers to Buzz as a friend. Awwww, you guys!
22. "I'm just a toy, a stupid, little insignificant toy"
As for the most wrenching moment, this one has it wrapped up. Buzz is overwhelmed by sadness and has given up. The more Woody tries to convince Buzz that he's a very cool toy and he's special because he belongs to Andy, the more Woody loses belief in himself, “I mean, what chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure?". Then, with one look at the inscription on his space boot, Buzz becomes the hero that’s needed.
23. "We're gonna have to break a few rules"
Nothing’s better than goodies beating baddies, and boy is this moment satisfying! Woody and Sid’s toys work together, come to life and reveal themselves to rescue Buzz and teach Sid a lesson.

24. The Big One
With both having sacrificed themselves to save the other, Woody and Buzz’s friendship is now rock solid. Next is an edge-of-your-seat car chase as Woody, Buzz and RC race to get into the moving truck. There's a growling Scud plus real cars, much swerving, tyres screeching, near misses, batteries dying and lit rockets!
25. The throwback
Our heart swells when Woody and Buzz use each other's earlier words in the best way. Woody thinks their adventure is coming to an explosive end. Buzz activates his wings freeing them from the rocket:
"Hey Buzz, you’re flying."
"This isn’t flying. This is falling with style."
"To infinity and beyond!"

Stream Toy Story and the sequels as well as shorts, specials and Original Series in the Toy Story Collection on Disney+