Cinderella, the animated classic that introduced one of Disney’s most beloved characters, turns 70 this year. Since the film’s release in 1950, audiences have been enchanted with the ‘sweetest story ever told’ of a young woman, a servant in her own home, full of hopes and dreams who finally gets her fairytale ending.
The film was Disney’s 12th animated feature, and its exquisite animation, unforgettable characters, and iconic moments and songs are the reasons Cinderella is adored by so many, including Walt Disney himself. The transformation of Cinderella’s torn dress into the stunning ball gown remained his favourite animation sequence.
Cinderella, or Cinderelly to those that know her best, inspires us to keep believing in our dreams and in others. Her courage and kindness are endless. She treats everyone equally, with gentleness and respect from the smallest mouse to the cruellest of stepmothers.
Here are some ways you can immerse yourself in the legacy and love of Cinderella.
It’s like a dream, a wonderful dream come true
Step into The Grounds in Sydney, and you’ll feel the same. The magic and wonder of the film have been brought to life with Cinderella-themed laneways and treats fit for royalty. Adventure through the arches and have your own Princess moment in the gilded carriage and by the glass slipper that started it all.
Skip and sing amongst the 400 blue birds, 100 butterflies and 1,300 floral stems under 11 crystal chandeliers. There are original film artwork and sketches on display and dazzling Paolo Sebastian gowns.
Experience Cinderella at The Grounds until 3 January 2021... then all will be as it was before.
A dream is a wish your heart makes
Australian-born illustrator, artist and author Adriana Picker has a lifelong love and connection to the natural world, flowers, plants and animals – just like Cinderella. Also a costume illustrator for films, Adriana was the perfect fit to create an original artwork of the magical glass slipper.
Adriana told us why Cinderella means so much to her and where the inspiration for this piece grew.
Why do you love Cinderella?
When I was a little girl, we spent our days outside in the garden or painting or making things. But, my best friend Caragh owned two videos - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Cinderella. We watched them both so much I swear we nearly wore them out.
Cinderella, of course, was my favourite.
The original movie has everything a little dreamer like me could ever wish for - a soft pastel colour palette of blush pinks and baby blue, romantic music, imaginary animal friends (I had a few of those too), flowers, magic and a poor girl who was essentially rewarded for being kind and open-hearted. It is the cinematic version of eating pale pink fairy floss - a confection that Caragh and I spun around ourselves to create a world that was ours and ours alone. When we watched the movie together it felt like we were colluding to build this dream and the outside world did not exist for 74 glorious minutes.
Maybe Cinderella enabled me to find the beginnings of my creativity - building an imaginary internal world that does not reflect reality is something I felt a real kinship with. It brings a wonderful sense of hope, joy and the sense that anything is possible for those who dream.
What was your inspiration for this piece?
I wanted to create something that little five-year-old Adriana would have loved, something that would have sparked her imagination and brought her joy. I wanted the colour palette to reflect those same sugar-spun qualities I feel from the movie, soft and bright and good. I also wanted to bring a little of my own adult world to Cinderella and have done that with the use of some familiar motifs from my work - Peonies, Foxglove and Roses. The natural world, for me, holds just as much magic as Cinderella.
Even miracles take a little time
It’s no surprise that it took several years for Cinderella to go from the imagination of Walt Disney to its glorious appearance on the big screen, but the early concept art still captivates us to this day with the spellbinding world it created and promise of everlasting happiness.
Soft lights, romantic music, all the trimmings. It can’t possibly fail!
The soft-hearted King arranging the Royal Ball set the scene for Prince Charming to fall in love at first glance, or should we say first dance. Cinderella stole his heart and the rest is history. Journey to a faraway land with the timeless 1950 classic and the live-action retelling on Disney+. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Phew.